A shining example: today when I got home from work I sat down to start my novel and started researching earthquake preparedness. I was going to make a list and start putting together all the things our family needs in case of an earthquake, but I stopped myself because I am supposed to be writing! I hunkered down and churned out almost 1,700 words, a respectable start.
Granted, because I have written this, there will be a massive earthquake and my family won't be prepared and my insistence on writing rather than preparing my family for disaster will look pretty foolish, won't it? I apologize for bringing disaster down on everyone. If you aren't doing NaNoWriMo, here's a link to a site to help you prepare for the earthquake: http://www.ready.gov/earthquakes.
If you are doing NaNoWriMo, then what on earth are you doing wasting time on my blog. Go write your novel!
Good luck this year! I'm actually working on writing tonight, just not NanoWriMo.